/1888PressRelease/ Join Dr. Moshe Engelberg, CEO of ResearchWorks, at the Convergence Summit sponsored by Wireless-Life Sciences Alliance (WLSA) on May 28th. The expert workshop will cover the eight most important questions that should be asked for every new product being considered, to determine: a) Does it matter? and b) Is it special?

Bringing new products to market with less risk and better outcomes is a goal many strive to attain. In this expert workshop for life science and medical device executives participating in the WLSA Convergence Summit in San Diego on May 28th, Dr. Moshe Engelberg will cover a proven, research-driven approach to knowing what to invest in and what to say “no” to (http://wirelesslifesciences.org).


Story Source: http://www.1888pressrelease.com/researchworks/moshe-engelberg/new-product-innovation-and-the-next-big-thing-how-to-know-w-pr-564903.html