/1888PressRelease/ While the City of Chicago was selected for Cisco’s Host City for the 2014 Internet of Things World Forum, Everywhere Wireless was engaged by Cisco to provide Internet connectivity to power the Forum and Wi-Fi infrastructure, which will be installed at the intersection of Michigan Avenue and Wacker Drive, where the Smart City Walking Tour will be held.

The City of Chicago will host the Internet of Things World Forum next week, in a further attempt to promote and “make Chicago one of the most connected cities in the world” commented by Rahm Emanuel, the City’s current Mayor. Everywhere Wireless was selected by Cisco Systems to provide Internet connectivity to the Forum and a physical Wi-Fi infrastructure near Lake Street and Michigan Avenue in C…..

Story Source: http://www.1888pressrelease.com/cisco-systems-selects-everywhere-wireless-for-internet-conne-pr-544331.html